检索条件: Architectural design ( 主题词 )
责任者 Julie Merberg
出版信息 Downtown Bookworks Inc. ,2018
ISBN 978-1-941367-39-1
Baby's first eames:the ABCs of modern architecture and design
Julie Merberg.Downtown Bookworks Inc.,2018.
责任者 Philip Steele
出版信息 Silver Dolphin Books ,2020
ISBN 978-1-68412-672-9
Expandable explorations big builds:explore giants slide-out panoramic scenes
Philip Steele.Silver Dolphin Books,2020.
责任者 Kitty Imbert,Jo Nelson
出版信息 Big Picture Press ,2015
ISBN 978-1-78370-255-8
Pyramids, pillars and palaces:a visual history of architecture featuring 60 iconic designs
Kitty Imbert,Jo Nelson.Big Picture Press,2015.
责任者 Robin Jacobs,Nik Neves
出版信息 Cicada Books ,2023
ISBN 978-1-80066-033-5
The Mellons build a house
Robin Jacobs,Nik Neves.Cicada Books,2023.
责任者 Gail Gibbons
出版信息 Holiday House ,2023
ISBN 978-0-82345-210-1
Up goes the skyscraper
Gail Gibbons.Holiday House,2023.
责任者 Thibaut Rassat
出版信息 Prestel Verlag GmbH ,2021
ISBN 978-3-79137-458-1
Eugene the architect
Thibaut Rassat.Prestel Verlag GmbH,2021.
责任者 Mary Lyn Ray
出版信息 Beach Lane Books ,2023
ISBN 978-1-4814-7982-0
Once upon a fairy tale house:the true story of four sisters and the magic they built
Mary Lyn Ray.Beach Lane Books,2023.