检索条件: Chameleons ( 主题词 )
责任者 Elena Ulyeva
出版信息 Clever Publishing ,2024
ISBN 978-1-956560-65-7
Cam the Chameleon meets his emotions
Elena Ulyeva.Clever Publishing,2024.
责任者 Eric Carle
出版信息 Puffin Books ,1988
ISBN 978-0-14-050642-6
The mixed up chameleon
Eric Carle.Puffin Books,1988.
出版信息 Clever Publishing ,2023
ISBN 978-1-956560-03-9
Big emotions:understanding your emotions
Elena Ulyeva.Clever Publishing,2023.
责任者 Bob Staake
出版信息 Beginners Books, a division of Random House ,2021
ISBN 978-0-593-11978-5
I can be anything!
Bob Staake.Beginners Books, a division of Random House,2021.
责任者 Tara Luebbe,Becky Cattie
出版信息 Albert Whitman & Company ,2019
ISBN 978-0-8075-6130-0
Operation photobomb
Tara Luebbe,Becky Cattie.Albert Whitman & Company,2019.
责任者 Sheri Mabry
ISBN 978-0-8075-4177-7
The kid and the chameleon go to school
Sheri Mabry.Albert Whitman & Company,2019.
ISBN 978-0-8075-4180-7
The Kid and the chameleon sleepover
责任者 Ethan Long
出版信息 Little, Brown and Company ,2013
ISBN 978-0-316-21042-3
Chamelia and the new kid in class
Ethan Long.Little, Brown and Company,2013.
责任者 Leo Lionni
出版信息 Knopf ,2000
ISBN 978-0-375-81091-6
A color of his own
Leo Lionni.Knopf,2000.
出版信息 HarperCollins ,c1984
ISBN 978-0-690-04396-9
The mixed-up chameleon
Eric Carle.HarperCollins,c1984.