检索条件: Fabbretti ( 著者 )
责任者 Laurie Calkhoven
出版信息 Simon Spotlight ,2018
ISBN 978-1-53441-781-6
You can't bring a sandwich to the moon . . . and other stories about space!
Laurie Calkhoven.Simon Spotlight,2018.
责任者 Elizabeth Dennis
ISBN 978-1-53441-052-7
Fearless flyers, dazzle painters, and code talkers!:World War I
Elizabeth Dennis.Simon Spotlight,2018.
责任者 Monica Kulling
出版信息 Random House Children's Books ,2018
ISBN 978-1-52477-233-8
Eliza Hamilton:founding mother
Monica Kulling.Random House Children's Books,2018.
出版信息 Random House ,2017
ISBN 978-1-52471-699-8
Alexander Hamilton:from orphan to founding father
Monica Kulling.Random House,2017.
出版信息 Simon & Schuster Books ,2017
ISBN 978-1-4814-9949-1
Secret agents! Sharks! Ghost armies!:World War II
Laurie Calkhoven.Simon & Schuster Books,2017.
责任者 Patricia Lakin
出版信息 Simon Spotlight ,2017
ISBN 978-1-4814-9973-6
Secrets of American history..Civil War,.Heroes who risked everything for freedom
Patricia Lakin.Simon Spotlight,2017.
责任者 Albin Sadar
出版信息 Simon Spotlight ,2016
ISBN 978-1-4814-2043-3
Hamster Holmes, on the right track
Albin Sadar.Simon Spotlight,2016.
出版信息 Simon Spotlight ,[2015]
ISBN 978-1-4814-2040-2
Hamster Holmes:combing for clues
Albin Sadar.Simon Spotlight,[2015].
出版信息 Simon Spotlight ,2015
ISBN 978-1-4814-2037-2
Hamster Holmes, a mystery comes knocking
Albin Sadar.Simon Spotlight,2015.
责任者 Albin, Sadar
出版信息 Simon Spotlight ,2019
ISBN 978-1-53442-195-0
Hamster Holmes, afraid of the dark?
Albin, Sadar.Simon Spotlight,2019.