检索条件: Markle ( 著者 )
责任者 Markle
出版信息 Scholastic, Inc. ,2017
ISBN 978-0-545-85922-6
What if you had animal nose!?
Markle.Scholastic, Inc.,2017.
责任者 Sandra Markle
出版信息 Scholastic Inc. ,2021
ISBN 978-1-338-66614-4
What if you had animal scales!?:or other animal coats?
Sandra Markle.Scholastic Inc.,2021.
ISBN 978-1-338-35609-0
What if you could spy like a narwhal!?:explore the superpowers of amazing animals
出版信息 Scholastic Inc. ,2020
ISBN 978-1-338-59667-0
What if you had an animal tongue!?
Sandra Markle.Scholastic Inc.,2020.
出版信息 Scholastic Press ,2020
ISBN 978-1-338-35607-6
What if you could sniff like a shark?:explore the superpowers of ocean animals
Sandra Markle.Scholastic Press,2020.
出版信息 Scholastic Inc. ,2018
ISBN 978-1-338-20878-8
What if you had an animal tail?
Sandra Markle.Scholastic Inc.,2018.
出版信息 Scholastic Inc. ,2016
ISBN 978-0-545-85926-4
What if you had animal ears!?
Sandra Markle.Scholastic Inc.,2016.
出版信息 Scholastic Inc. ,2015
ISBN 978-0-545-73312-0
What if you had animal feet?
Sandra Markle.Scholastic Inc.,2015.
出版信息 Scholastic Inc. ,2014
ISBN 978-0-545-63085-6
What if you had animal hair!?
Sandra Markle.Scholastic Inc.,2014.
责任者 Sandra Markle,Howard McWilliam
出版信息 Scholastic Inc. ,2013
ISBN 978-0-545-48438-1
What if you had animal teeth!?
Sandra Markle,Howard McWilliam.Scholastic Inc.,2013.