检索条件: Medical fiction ( 主题词 )
责任者 Vivian French
出版信息 Walker Books ,2012
ISBN 978-1-4063-2857-8
Going to the doctor
Vivian French.Walker Books,2012.
责任者 Hyewon Yum
出版信息 Abrams Books for Young Readers ,2022
ISBN 978-1-4197-4829-5
Lion needs a shot
Hyewon Yum.Abrams Books for Young Readers,2022.
责任者 J. E. Morris
出版信息 Penguin Workshop, an imprint of Penguin Random House ,2018
ISBN 978-1-52478-443-0
Fish are not afraid of doctors
J. E. Morris.Penguin Workshop, an imprint of Penguin Random House,2018.
责任者 Fran Manushkin
出版信息 Picture Window Books ,2020
ISBN 978-1-51584-456-3
Super paramedic!
Fran Manushkin.Picture Window Books,2020.
责任者 Dosh Archer
出版信息 Albert Whitman & Company ,2016
ISBN 978-0-80758-349-4
Baaad Sheep
Dosh Archer.Albert Whitman & Company,2016.
责任者 Christa Kempter
出版信息 North South ,2020
ISBN 978-0-73584-410-0
Doctor Mouse
Christa Kempter.North South,2020.
责任者 Audrey Bouquet
出版信息 Sounds True ,2022
ISBN 978-1-68364-837-6
Little anxious Cat
Audrey Bouquet.Sounds True,2022.
责任者 Lucy Cousins
出版信息 Walker Books ,2009
ISBN 978-1-4063-4460-8
Maisy Goes to nursery
Lucy Cousins.Walker Books,2009.
出版信息 Walker Books ,2006
ISBN 978-1-4063-4453-0
Maisy, charley and the wobbly tooth
Lucy Cousins.Walker Books,2006.
责任者 Herman Parish
出版信息 Harper, an imprint of HarperCollins Publishers ,2004
ISBN 978-0-06-008780-7
Calling Doctor Amelia Bedelia
Herman Parish.Harper, an imprint of HarperCollins Publishers,2004.