检索条件: Pearson ( 著者 )
责任者 Debora Pearson
出版信息 Kids Can Press ,2021
ISBN 978-1-5253-0318-0
My words flew away like birds
Debora Pearson.Kids Can Press,2021.
责任者 Luke Pearson
出版信息 Flying Eye Books, an imprint of Nobrow Ltd. ,2019
ISBN 978-1-911171-17-1
Hilda and the mountain king
Luke Pearson.Flying Eye Books, an imprint of Nobrow Ltd.,2019.
出版信息 Flying Eye Books ,2018
ISBN 978-1-911171-07-2
Hilda and the black hound
Luke Pearson.Flying Eye Books,2018.
ISBN 978-1-911171-71-3
Hilda and the stone forest
ISBN 978-1-83874-148-8
出版信息 Flying Eye Books ,2015
ISBN 978-1-909263-78-9
Hilda and the troll
Luke Pearson.Flying Eye Books,2015.
出版信息 Flying Eye Books ,2012
ISBN 978-1-911171-02-7
Hilda and the bird parade
Luke Pearson.Flying Eye Books,2012.
出版信息 Nobrow ,2011
ISBN 978-1-909263-79-6
Hilda and the Midnight Giant
Luke Pearson.Nobrow,2011.
责任者 Emily Pearson
出版信息 Gibbs Smith ,2019
ISBN 978-1-4236-5345-5
Ordinary Mary's positively extraordinary day
Emily Pearson.Gibbs Smith,2019.
责任者 Peter Pearson
出版信息 Katherine Tegen Books, an imprint of HarperCollinsPublishers ,c2016
ISBN 978-0-06-232062-9
How to eat an airplane
Peter Pearson.Katherine Tegen Books, an imprint of HarperCollinsPublishers,c2016.