检索条件: Picture story ( 任意词 )
责任者 L. Leslie Brooke
出版信息 Dover Publications ,2015
ISBN 978-0-486-79598-0
Johnny Crow's Picture Book
L. Leslie Brooke.Dover Publications,2015.
责任者 B. J. Novak
出版信息 Dial Books for Young Readers ,2014
ISBN 978-0-80374-171-3
The book with no pictures
B. J. Novak.Dial Books for Young Readers,2014.
责任者 Hudson Talbott
出版信息 Nancy Paulsen Books ,2018
ISBN 978-0-399-54867-3
Picturing America:Thomas Cole and the birth of American art
Hudson Talbott.Nancy Paulsen Books,2018.
责任者 Rob Lloyd Jones
出版信息 Usborne Publishing Ltd. ,2017
ISBN 978-1-4749-3016-1
The Usborne story of London picture book
Rob Lloyd Jones.Usborne Publishing Ltd.,2017.
责任者 Sarah Courtauld
ISBN 978-1-4749-3815-0
The Usbourne art picture book
Sarah Courtauld.Usborne Publishing Ltd.,2017.
出版信息 Usborne Publishing Ltd. ,2018
ISBN 978-1-4749-3817-4
The Usborne story of art picture book
Sarah Courtauld.Usborne Publishing Ltd.,2018.
责任者 Syd Hoff
出版信息 Harper, an Imprint of HarperCollinsPublishers ,1993
ISBN 978-0-06-444176-6
Captain Cat:story and pictures
Syd Hoff.Harper, an Imprint of HarperCollinsPublishers,1993.
责任者 Amnesty International
出版信息 Frances Lincoln Children's Books ,2015
ISBN 978-1-84780-453-2
Dreams of freedom:in words and pictures
Amnesty International.Frances Lincoln Children's Books,2015.
责任者 Patricia Hegarty
出版信息 Doubleday ,2015
ISBN 978-1-101-93242-1
Tree:a peek-through picture book
Patricia Hegarty.Doubleday,2015.
责任者 Jarrett Krosoczka
出版信息 Alfred A. Knopf ,2012
ISBN 978-0-375-87035-4
Lunch lady and the picture day peril
Jarrett Krosoczka.Alfred A. Knopf,2012.