检索条件: Statues ( 主题词 )
责任者 Tomie DePaola
出版信息 Harcourt Mifflin Harcourt ,2019
ISBN 978-1-328-62265-5
The mysterious giant of Barletta:an Italian folktale
Tomie DePaola.Harcourt Mifflin Harcourt,2019.
责任者 Claudia Friddell
出版信息 Calkins Creek, an imprint of Boyds Mills & Kane ,2020
ISBN 978-1-68437-130-3
Saving Lady Liberty:Joseph Pulitzer's fight for the Statue of Liberty
Claudia Friddell.Calkins Creek, an imprint of Boyds Mills & Kane,2020.
责任者 David Zeltser
出版信息 Random House ,2019
ISBN 978-1-52471-799-5
The night library
David Zeltser.Random House,2019.
责任者 Robert Byrd
出版信息 Dial Books For Young Readers ,2019
ISBN 978-0-7352-3082-8
Liberty arrives!:how america's grandest statue found her home
Robert Byrd.Dial Books For Young Readers,2019.
责任者 Jen Arena
出版信息 A Golden Book ,2018
ISBN 978-1-52477-033-4
My little golden book about the Statue of Liberty
Jen Arena.A Golden Book,2018.
出版信息 Alfred A. Knopf ,c2016
ISBN 978-0-553-52067-5
Lady Liberty's holiday
Jen Arena.Alfred A. Knopf,c2016.
责任者 Julie Kraulis
出版信息 Tundra Books ,2016
ISBN 978-1-77049-891-4
An armadillo in New York
Julie Kraulis.Tundra Books,2016.
ISBN 978-1-52471-798-8
责任者 Maisie Paradise Shearring
出版信息 Thames & Hudson ,2018
ISBN 978-0-500-65155-1
The happy prince
Maisie Paradise Shearring.Thames & Hudson,2018.
责任者 Anne Gutman
出版信息 Knopf ,2002
ISBN 978-0-375-81119-7
Lisa in New York
Anne Gutman.Knopf,2002.